Tuesday, February 24, 2009

LaSt NiGht...

i was locked myself on my room, ALONE...
with the headset on my ear, i hear my own heart aching, for someone who had been a part of my past, that suddenly appear in the midst of my silent thought...
A tEAR feLL... For A ReaSoN I CaN't fInd, mY HeaRt wAs sO hEavy, iTs toO hARD... I fEeL thE PaIN buT I dON't kNOw wHeRe iT CaME fROm! sHAme!!! WhY DO i cRy??!
Its too HARd to KEeP MovINg, whEN yOU dON't eVeN KnoW How tO LET Go!... how long can i bear this torments?... I Can't FinD A Way To gEt oVer YOu..!
HOw i wISh to waKe uP FRom that NiGgHtMare..., toniGHt maYBE DifFER... sOMehow i wish yoU WoulDN'T BE theRe!
Leave me ALONE...!!! Mr. Heartbreaker!!!!

1 comment:

lovely said...

ahhhhhhhhhhh...its nice i like it..
i can feel da pain...