Monday, March 9, 2009

03-09-09 (11:00 P.M.)

_He cALLed Me LaSt nIgHt, i wAS so SuRpRised! (kilig!!!)..psst.. AhmF.. hE wAs sO SweeT..(eheem..)... HiS VoICe trIGger My aWfuLL niGhT.... (smyl).... know wHaT.. (shyness)... He TeLLS me He LoVeS Me..(ahmmf.. moRE than 10X!!) He rEaLLy so NicE... hE MAke mY NIght so LigHT...(can't sleep).. i WokE UP wiTH smyl ON My face =) (kasi naman eh..) I wIsh He wiLL bE thE onE.. (can't tell so.... ) sO mANy thiNGS i HavE To kNow FIrst.. but toDAy i cONfESs... (hE'S the ReAsoN For dIZ pRIceLess SMILE =) oN mY FaCe!!)...

1 comment:

dorietinaganblogsagain said...

cnu tuh ate c FRogprincE??

