Here I am again, at the same situation just like 2 years ago, for how many times did I have to utter this words? The most used words that may seem so simple, but the hardest one to told.
I often asked.. “Why do we need to bid farewell at the end of every journey?” Isn’t it nice to just go and leave without tears, left everyone with just a smile and happy memories? “How I wish I don’t have to do this, but it’s a part of letting go. “ I have to… and I must do so...”
We may meet for just a short time, but what we had share was immeasurable than life, being with all of you is quite a wonderful journey, you’ve bring me joy and endless laughter, I can be just “me” without any pretentious , I can sing out of tune and with my own lyrics, I can laugh till I fart. I can cry, while you cry with me as well. I’m grateful for this memories, I will surely treasured it in my heart forever.
The way you addressed me.. “Te Vhine” or how silly you called me… “Bentang” will be my favorite nicknames of all time. It may seem too good to be true, but they have no idea how we used to. People may question how come all of us get along so well? (hindi ko din alam) but the fact that we all became friends no matter what differences we had, is a God’s gift, that we should always be thankful.
“Thank you!”
…for treating me as your sister, for the respect and unconditional love, for being understanding and humble, for listening to every words I spoke, for all the jokes we shared, for the endless laugh out louds, for crying with me at times of troubles, for all our secrets, for addressing each other, for the family we build, for sharing your heartbreaks, for the endless food trip, for our gimiks and getaways, for the sleep-over, for the joyride, for helping each other, for the support and cheers, for our failures and success, for the bad and good times, for our “Sisterhood”, for being my additional sisters… “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry!”
…for my imperfections, my high pitch tone when I’m not in the mood, for being authoritarian as a leader, for my mistakes, for being “masungit” at times, for being hard-headed, for any wrong words I uttered, for being stubborn, for all my wrong decisions, for being self-centered sometimes, for messing up, for my bad attitude, for my selfishness, for my bad temper.. really i’m deeply “sorry”.
“I love you!”
Abby : “the best buddy I had” , we make it together, and we can make it till forever..
Jec : “I believe in you.” …stay humble and you know that I’m always at your back.
Ezra : “you’re my baby” support each other, I see myself & abby in both you and jec. So stay together!
Kesh :”you’re my baby kesh forever” stay cute and don’t cry over bad boys around you!
Kelly : “you’re pretty” and you deserved to be loved.
Lynette : “Ina ka ng Dyosa” kaya wag kang iiyak! You take care of them as “inay” di ba..
Dyanne : “Make time” hehehe.. So you won’t be left alone… stay pretty and so sweet.
Donna : “Nice to meet you”, work with you ate’s they’ll be there to help you.
Karla : “pretty” stay sweet and keep on goin’
Elijah : “hardworking” stay the same…
Paul : “Beach” I will never forget your greatest moment.
Joyce : “Sexy” ..stay sexy.. hehehe
“I love you all fellow Office Administration”
I hope to see you all, at the end of your journey happy and successful, may life be fair for all of us. stay humble no matter what happen…I see you again.. but for now..Its time to say “Goodbye”
Opps! I forgot, no goodbyes… just “ See you soon”
~Te vhine